

Human population increase and steady demand for plastics and plastic products are responsible for the continuous rise in the production of plastics, the initiation of plastic waste, and its accompanying environmental pollution. From 1950 to 2018, about 6.3 billion tonnes of plastics have been produced worldwide, 9% and 12% of which have been recycled and […]

Save the world from Plastic pollution

Rem ipsum dolor sit amet, Nem consectetur adipiscing elit. A tempor scelerisque mauris.Vestibulum rhoncus semper pharetra. Quisque eu consequat lectus. Integer varius, tellus at mattis mattis, erat ex volutpat mi, ut posuere magna augue vitae libero. Duis dignissim, tellus in lobortis rutrum, ipsum dui venenatis ante, scelerisque fermentum purus arcu accumsan eros. Vestibulum faucibus nibh […]

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